Endorfy Stratus 120 PWM: Efficient fan on a budget

Results: LED to motor power draw ratio

Why spend as much money on one fan as you would on four or five Endorfy Stratus 120 PWMs? There is a clear answer to this, but it may not be interesting to everyone. Especially when the fans are meant to fit well into builds designed with the best possible price/performance ratio in mind. That’s when low-cost fans make sense, and the end-user often dismisses the “imperfections” of the Stratus 120 (PWM) with a wave of the hand.

Results: LED to motor power draw ratio

Explanatory note: Lighting has a significant contribution to fan power draw. The ratios in these graphs express the relationship between LED power draw and motor power draw in standard modes from 31 dBA progressively to maximum speed. The LEDs are always set to maximum brightness. The lower the value in the graphs, the more dominant the lighting is in the total power draw. This is not necessarily “wrong”, hand in hand with this usually goes a higher luminance, which can be controlled to some extent. To what extent you already know from the previous chapter.

Why is there a missing value sometimes? There may be more reasons. Usually it is because the fan could not be adjusted to the target noise level. Some have a higher minimum speed (or the speed is low, but the motor is too noisy) or it is a slower fan that will not reach the higher decibels. But the results in the graphs are also missing if the rotor is brushing against the nylon filter mesh. In that case, we evaluate this combination as incompatible. And zero in the graphs is naturally also in situations where we measure 0.00. This is a common occurrence at extremely low speeds with obstructions or within vibration measurements.

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