Fractal Design Define R6: New generation of superpopular cases

Fractal Design cases are very popular, so the release of the new type is in some way an event. Computer case is a passive component and it is not that much of a concern for some, but if you consider low noise and extra comfort main priorities, this might interest you. The Swedish company is now releasing a new improved version of the Define case that will offer new features. Read more “Fractal Design Define R6: New generation of superpopular cases” »

Passive case Akasa Euler MX: 70 W of heat? Go ahead…

Along with low power consumption chips, silent computers are also expanding. The British company Akasa has been specializing in the development of cases optimal for this purpose for the last few years. We have put their most progressive model through editorial hell. After exploring every corner and measuring temperatures in all possible positions, we can say what it can and cannot do. To give you a better idea, we are providing thermal vision too. Read more “Passive case Akasa Euler MX: 70 W of heat? Go ahead…” »