After SSDs, RAM prices are going up too, particularly DDR5

A month ago, we published a report here that prices of SSDs (or NAND memory, which is their main component) have stopped their previous price fall and instead, their prices have started to climb up. Unfortunately, it seems that we have to follow with the news that the the pricing of the second key type of memory for computers, which is DRAM, is taking a turn for the worse as well and DDR5 and DDR4 modules will get more expensive too. Read more “After SSDs, RAM prices are going up too, particularly DDR5” »

The days of SSDs getting cheaper are over. Prices are starting to rise

SSDs have been steadily getting cheaper for a long time now, often to prices undreamed of a few years ago. This was due to a slump in PC demand, which left the NAND Flash memory market oversupplied. Beware, however, this price drop seems to have bottomed out and prices are expected to start going up from autumn, or at best stay flat. So the time fo any storage upgrades may be now as SSDs may get more expensive in the coming months. Read more “The days of SSDs getting cheaper are over. Prices are starting to rise” »