Axagon Riddle (12/2024). Can you guess what’s in the photo?

Contest terms and conditions

In cooperation with Axagon, we have prepared a cyclical activity for this year, which may be of interest to HWCooling readers. We’ll post a detail of some piece of hardware and you can guess what it is. We are nearing the final round, where you’ll need to correctly solve the last, December riddle. After that, the evaluation of your efforts for the whole year 2024 and the well-deserved rewards will finally arrive.

During the year we will publish twelve riddles (one each month) to be solved. How? In the header of each riddle, or in the headline of the article, there will be a photo of the part of the component that you have to reveal and name.

The details will be unambiguous and photographed in such a way that they always point to the only correct option. You have come across this kind of contest in the past. The difference now will be that we will only focus on the Axagon product offering. On the one hand, you are choosing from a smaller pool (as if it were all products from all manufacturers), on the other hand, it will be very specific things and you can be sure that we will give you some trouble. We’ll start lightly, but with each riddle the difficulty will increase.

Send your answers to with the subject Axagon Riddle (x/2024), where “x” is the number of the given month. All messages that arrive within seven days of the publication of each riddle will be entered.

In the end, when evaluating, the speed with which you send the messages will also be important. We expect that there will be a greater number of successful solvers and the podium will depend on how nimble you were in responding, in addition to the correct answers. This means that contestants with a shorter average response time will end up in a higher rankings.

Prizes will be awarded to the three most successful contestants, where the first will be able to choose any Axagon products worth approximately 100 EUR, the second for 50 EUR and the third for 25 EUR. It can always be more of the cheaper stuff, but also less of the more expensive stuff. Everyone can decide for themselves according to their own needs. But first of all it is about the digging, thinking, shortening long moments.

The contest is open to everyone, but the prize can only be delivered to a European address. Entrants from other continents must therefore partly sort out the logistics themselves in the event of a prize win. For others (from European Union countries), the prize will be delivered directly to their home by a delivery courier.

Note: The correct answer can always be found here, after the expiration of a riddle. The December one was hiding a STND-LQ stand for notebooks and tablets with the designation STND-LQ.

English translation and edit by Jozef Dudáš

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Comments (3) Add comment

  1. It has been a year now? Wow, how time flies… It was fun contest, thanks for orginizing it!
    But for now photo do not load up on any of my browsers nor devices in english version of site.

    1. The mistake was on our side. It’s now fixed. Well, good thing we still have those two language localizations and you figured it out. I apologize to others who may have had a problem with the photo not appearing. :/

      1. Well, accidents happens. Besides being grateful for contest that’s other reason why i wrote my comment so that anyone interested could check another language version if it was only a problem for me.

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