Intel Core i5-14400F – refresh in the most popular range

Achieved CPU clock speed

Also on the list of lower-power Intel Raptor Lake Refresh processors with 65W TDP is the Core i5-14400F. That is, a model that, mainly because of its attractive price-performance ratio, often ends up in lower-budget PC builds. In the 14th generation, Intel sped up the single-core boost and also E cores. And there are more changes in the small details. For example, the fact that different steppings built on different silicon are again common in e-stores.

Disclaimer: For big.LITTLE-based processors, there is a missing result in some tests. This is because they didn’t scale properly with P cores and the achieved performance was too low. In such cases it is indeed possible to force performance on all cores, but this does not happen by default at the user level. To avoid creating the illusion in some cases that measured results such as those presented in the graphs are normally achieved, we omit these. However, these are a negligible fraction of the total set of test results.

Achieved CPU clock speed

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